About me
I am a computer science graduate, and I am interested in software development.
I have worked as a research assistant by doing data processing and data analysis. I heavily used the numpy and pandas Python modules while doing this research. That being said, I also have former experience with Java, C#, and Swift, and all of my knowledge of C++ and Rust has been self-taught.
Although I am not a web developer, the cross-platform nature of web-technologies makes web-based applications too convenient to be overlooked. Therefore, I took the initiative to design a lean website so that people could reach me more easily, and so I could learn about web development.
Русский язык очень трудный
Line dances
Gym Progress
What I learned from Salsa Eddy
Houston and Webster area dance classes
How to vote in Harris county, Texas
How to follow semantic versioning via testing
Correcting nearsightedness
Install Nix and Home-Manager in PinePhone via Arch Linux
Benchmarking external command execution time
Benchmarking arithmetic in different languages
Benchmarking recursion in different languages
Benchmarking Python multiprocessing and multithreading
Shortest C program with a segmentation fault
Logic circuit for a two-floor elevator
How to block YouTube on your phone and computer
How to export and import GPG key pairs
How to sharpen blurry asteroid images
La diferencia entre teoría e hipótesis
Life is a process powered by an energy gradient