Luis David Licea Torres

About me

I am a computer science graduate, and I am interested in software development.

I have worked as a research assistant by doing data processing and data analysis. I heavily used the numpy and pandas Python modules while doing this research. That being said, I also have former experience with Java, C#, and Swift, and all of my knowledge of C++ and Rust has been self-taught.

Although I am not a web developer, the cross-platform nature of web-technologies makes web-based applications too convenient to be overlooked. Therefore, I took the initiative to design a lean website so that people could reach me more easily, and so I could learn about web development.

  • Correcting nearsightedness

    Allegedly there is a way to correct nearsightedness, and for what I have read, the methodology and the reasoning seem convincing. The method involves actively focusing on objects far away. Preferably, the objects you look at should be 6 feet away or further, but there is not a considerable difference between looking at objects past 6 feet compared to hypothetical objects infinitely far away since the difference in focus for your eyes is 0.2 diopters.

  • Install Nix and Home-Manager in PinePhone via Arch Linux

    I am running Arch Linux ARM on my PinePhone. Installing the native nix package via sudo pacman -S nix did not work for me because I ran into shared library errors. I had to remove and cleanup the nix installation and use the official Nix installation script.

  • Benchmarking external command execution time

    Bash is a command interpreter used in system scripts for calling external commands, so I wanted to compare the speed of Bash to the speed of other interpreted languages by doing a simple test.

  • Benchmarking arithmetic in different languages

    This simple benchmark compares the speed at which different languages are able to sum values:

    i = 0 10000 i
  • Benchmarking recursion in different languages

    I used the Fibonacci sequence to test the speed of recursive calls in different languages. Take the results with a grain of salt because my computer is not a controlled environment. I found that Python was slower than I expected, while JavaScript was faster than I expected. Bash was more than 100,000 times slower than C because the Bash benchmark did not finish after the 5-hour mark. My hypothesis is that Bash is very slow because math is done in sub-shells, requiring bash to spawn a process for every arithmetic operation.

  • Benchmarking Python multiprocessing and multithreading

    I benchmarked the Fibonacci sequence using multiprocessing and multithreading. I found that multiprocessing was faster than multithreading by approximately a factor of p, where p is the number of processes or threads. In other words, five processes working on one task each will finish approximately five times faster than five threads working on one task each, where the given tasks require the same number of calculations to complete. Creating processes was relatively slow compared to creating threads, but the time it took to create the processes was negligible when executing long-running programs.

  • Shortest C program with a segmentation fault

    What is the shortest C program with a segmentation fault that you can write?

  • Logic circuit for a two-floor elevator

    What is the minimum number of ways to test a two-floor elevator with two buttons? One button is for floor 1 and the other button is for floor 2. We can assume that if both buttons are pressed simultaneously, the elevator will ignore the current floor button and go to the other floor. If we create a truth table we will see that there are 8 possible outcomes.

  • How to block YouTube on your phone and computer

    Watching YouTube, becoming unaware of time, and missing the entire day is common. Will power is not enough to moderate your internet habits because it requires perpetual, active conscientiousness and abstinence, so relying on device customization is better in the long run because it does not require effort on your part past the initial setup.

  • How to export and import GPG key pairs

    For context, GPG key pairs are necessary for password managers such as pass. Migrating computers requires migrating the GPG key pairs or else pass will be unable to load or create passwords. Migrating GPG pairs requires exporting them in the original computer and exporting them in the target computer. That is what this tutorial shows.

  • How to sharpen blurry asteroid images

  • La diferencia entre teoría e hipótesis

    Una teoría es increíblemente detallada, es lo más cercano que existe a la verdad. Una teoría tiene un peso similar a una ley, así como la ley de la gravedad. Una hipótesis, por el otro lado, es una conjetura, un tanteo. Solo cuando la comunidad científica (es decir, varias organizaciones y universidades al rededor del mundo) ponen a prueba una hipótesis, es que la hipótesis se convierte en una teoría.

  • Life is a process powered by an energy gradient

    Life, in the simplest terms, is a process going from a high energy state to a low energy state. When a process reaches equilibrium and stops, it is dead.